Critical thinking, problem solving and coding are some of the future skills most needed. They help gaining understanding and application of logical concepts and algorithms for easier everyday problems solving solutions. A stimulating learning environment in which students feel free and are encouraged to think, ask questions, explore, and work in teams without fear of making mistakes contributes to their development. The magic of coding also existed in our ancestors who did not have the technology, but applied procedures that can be easily translated into code.
PhD BETI LAMEVA is the Head of the Sector for Examinations, IT and Research at the State Examination Center and is the National Coordinator of International Studies for Measuring Student Achievement for TIMSS and PISA. She has more than 20 years of working experience in the field of IT and external evaluation in education in the country and abroad.
OLGA SAMARDZIC JANKOVA has been involved in education for many years: as a teacher, counselor in the Bureau for Development of Education, Head of the components for the application of ICT in teaching in three USAID educational projects and as president of an organization for innovative technology in education.