Business people talking image

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the one day event during which three UK consultants will share best practices on the establishment of the Sector Commission for Tourism and Hospitality, the first of this kind in the Republic of Macedonia.

The event, which will be held on 12 February 2016 at the Holiday Inn Hotel from 9 am, aims to bring together all relevant stakeholders from the educational institutions and the employers, to familiarise them with their role and the significance of their engagement in the Sector Commission for Tourism and Hospitality.

During the event, the participants will talk about the demands in this sector, how the employers can influence education and training of young people and how the Sector Commission can influence the development of the tourism and hospitality sector.

The event is aimed at a closed group of people who have received an invitation. 

Please spare a few minutes of your time to apply by 9th February 2016 at

Read more about the Sector Commissions and their role below.


With a youth unemployment rate of 52.2% in Macedonia, there is a great need to bridge and reduce the existing skills gaps, increase productivity, create a workforce that will be mobile and relevant to the labour market demand, and design programmes that will meet national employment needs. This calls for immediate action to establish a Sector Committee for the tourism sector, as a pilot sector in the Republic of Macedonia.

What are Sector Commissions

Sector Committees promote the development in a given economic sector. They are permanent working groups that identify and analyse the labour market needs and contribute to education and training that will prepare the workforce for the specific economic sector.

Councils may be established through initiatives by the social partners or government. The Councils are usually recognised in legislation, which gives legitimacy to their work and affirms their mandate.

The Sector Committee is a permanent body that works at a national or regional level, depending on the country. Its existence is justified by the joint aim to reform the Vocational education and training in order to meet the labour market demands.

Common features of a Sector Committee

• Representation from the economy sector employers

• Working in a structured and continuous way

• Analysis of the labour market trends

• Focus on employment and skills needs within the sector and using the collated data in the development of the sector policies

The roles of the Sector Commission

• Analysis of the labour market that will affect the qualitative and quantitative skills needs

• Anticipating skills needs

• Matching training provision to labour market needs

• Preparation of occupational standards and qualifications 

• Fostering cooperation between educational providers and employers

• Provision of training for the workforce