On-line teaching resources
On-line teaching resources

If you are an English language teacher looking for professional development, but are too busy to travel to attend a programme at a fixed time and date, our online courses might be just the thing for you.

Moderated by qualified and experienced teacher trainers, and attended by international professionals, these courses are practical and will give you activities and ideas that you can take straight into the classroom. They are organised several times a year.

The online courses start on 8 February 2016, with the exception of CLIL that starts on 15 February 2016 . Find out more and contact us if you have any questions.  

For course fees and how to apply, please see the registration form. 

Learning Technologies for Business English Teachers (self-access course)

This course has been designed to give both experienced and new business English teachers an introduction to the types of tools that can enhance their teaching and help them deliver engaging lessons with sound pedagogical outcomes. 

Duration: 27 hours over 2 months 

Level of English required: B1+ 


Each online unit (10 in total) lasts around 2.5 hours, and includes links and video demonstrations about the technologies involved. It includes a wide range of practical ideas and web resources that teachers can directly use with their learners. 

More information on course units here.

Steps to Success (self-access course)

Who it's for: 

This is for English language teachers who are in their final year of pre-service study or in their first two years of full-time teaching of English. It is a general self-access course suitable for teachers working in the primary, secondary, tertiary or the private ELT sector. 


The course aims are to: 

• expand teachers’ knowledge of methodology, lesson planning and assessment 

• focus on communicative and learner-centred teaching 

• allow teachers to observe and try out methods and resources 

• relate course ideas to teachers' own context 

• develop reflection and professional development skills 

Duration: 35 hours over 12 weeks 

Level of English required: B1+ 

More information here.

Special Educational Needs (self-access and moderated version)

The TeachingEnglish Special Educational Needs online training course is for both primary and lower secondary teachers, and those teaching through the medium of English.

TeachingEnglish Special Educational Needs aims to:

  • raise teachers’ awareness of attitudes towards teaching learners with special educational needs
  • help teachers identify and overcome their own biases and prejudices
  • inform teachers about a range of special educational needs and how they affect teaching and learning
  • give teachers a set of teaching strategies that promote inclusive learning and benefit all pupils
  • guide teachers in developing an inclusive approach in their classroom or school
  • support teachers in becoming more confident when dealing with learners with special educational needs.

Level of English required: B1+

The TeachingEnglish Special Educational Needs course can be done in two ways:

  • 100% self-access without assessment
  • with portfolio assessed by a tutor (please note that in order to have your portfolio assessed, you need to complete at least 8 units)

Find out more on the TeachingEnglish website.

Communicative Assessment Online Course (self-access course)

Communicative Assessment (CAC) is a short 20-hour online self-access course for busy teachers and examiners of English who are interested in exploring new approaches to assessment and testing. It contains useful resources, exercises, discussion activities and opportunities for teachers to design assessment tasks that are relevant to their own teaching context. It is a general course suitable for teachers working in the primary, secondary, tertiary or the private ELT sector.

The course aims are to help teachers:
• Identify some of the key areas associated with Communicative Language Teaching
• Focus on assessment and testing within the Communicative Approach to English teaching
• Link assessment theory directly to the design of testing and assessment materials
• Focus on testing each language skill as well as integrating skills testing

The course is made up of a minimum of 20 hours of online training comprising ten units available online.

Communicative Assessment is an unmoderated, self-access course. Each participant is provided with a user name and password in order to access the website (on the Moodle platform). Moodle can normally be accessed from a computer with little difficulty, even computers with limited bandwidth.

Find out more.

Watch the video for more information about this course.

CLIL Essentials (moderated version)

This is an online course for teachers who teach school subjects such as geography, history, maths and science in English, in state and private schools. The course is suitable for experienced primary and secondary school teachers, either language teachers supporting subject teachers or subject teachers working in a CLIL context.

Find out more.

Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching (CISELT) - moderated version

This course is aimed at practising teachers with a level of B1 and above in English and who work with learners in the 11–18 age range. It is a modular training course based on practical classroom methodology and assignments.

This is a two-level programme, organised as two separate courses:

  • CiSELT Proficient focuses on key methodological issues for teachers with approximately two years experience
  • CiSELT Advanced focuses on more specialised topics and the development of creative teaching and learning approaches.

Please contact Svetlana Neftenova for more information about the CiSELT course.

TKT Essentials (Teaching Knowledge Test) - moderated version

The TKT Essentials course provides an introduction to English language teaching methodology for teachers who want to develop expertise in communicative language teaching. It is suitable for both newly qualified teachers who need to develop knowledge of key concepts in ELT and experienced teachers who want to update their methodology.

TKT Essentials has three modules organised also as two separate courses: TKT Module 1 and TKT Modules 2 & 3.

Primary Essentials (moderated version)

Primary Essentials is aimed at teachers of English in state or private primary schools, or teachers of English in secondary schools who would like to work in the primary sector.

If you want an introduction to teaching English to young learners aged 7 to 11, this course is for you. Using video, audio and community elements, you will learn the essentials to help you succeed in your teaching.

Find out more.

Learning Technologies for the Classroom (self-access and moderated version)

This is a teacher development course that introduces teachers of English to the main aspects of using new technologies in the language classroom. The course modules cover a range of web technologies, with topics including using the internet, cyber well-being for learners, using MS Office applications, using online video and audio, and using social networking and other web technologies for educational purposes.

Find out more.

Please note that all of our online courses are delivered using Moodle (a web-based environment for delivering course content and managing students) in which a group of teachers and a trained moderator work together. The course certificate is issued to participants upon successful completion of assignments and tasks and cannot be obtained without active participation. We reserve the right to cancel a course if the course does not reach the minimum number of 12 participants.

How do I apply?

Please complete the registration form (see below) and send it back to us together with a confirmation of your bank payment by e-mail .

Registration deadline: 25 January 2016.

Need more information?

If you are interested in applying for any of these courses, or have a question for us, please contact Svetlana Neftenova, Projects Co-ordinator.