Our world is moving quickly. As many as 65 per cent of today's students will be employed in jobs that don't exist yet. Preparing young people for the world of tomorrow has never been as challenging. Qualifications and knowledge remain important, but are no longer enough to secure a successful future. Rather, children need and deserve the opportunity to grow into creative and critical citizens, ready to shape the future for themselves.
We have organised three workshops for children and one workshop for teachers and we thank our trainers Andy Powell, MadLab (United Kingdom), Olga Samardzic-Jankova, Maja Videnovikj and Vladimir Trajkovikj for their wonderful job.
Learning computational thinking, problem solving and critical thinking is very important for children and we made it fun! British Council is dedicated to supporting schools in the Western Balkans countries to develop capacity and offer their students skills essential to positively contribute to a 21st century culture and economy.